Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 hope 2 things that you hope for 3 no hope thinking about the future FUTURE, INTEND/PLAN see also SUCCEED/FAIL, WANT
1 hope - to want sth to happen or be true: hope for sth, hope to do sth, hope (that) ※¦ We are hoping for good weather. ◎ I hope to finish the work by tomorrow. ◎ I hope she didn't think I was rude. - the feeling of wanting sth to happen and thinking that it will: hope (noun U) Don't lose hope! ◎ full of hope ◎ hope of success ◎ hopes for peace ◎ Is there any hope of finding a solution? ◎ There isn't much hope that they will be found alive. - if you think that sth you want to happen will happen, you are hopeful (adverb hopefully) The doctors are very hopeful that she will recover. ◎ She waited hopefully for her exam results. - to hope that sb will do or give you what you want: expect sth (from sb), expect sb to do sth I'm expecting a big effort from the whole team. ◎ Does he expect us to finish everything this morning? Note: hope expresses what you want to happen; expect mainly expresses what you think will happen. I hope it's sunny at the weekend. ◎ The doctors do not expect the baby to live. - because you want sth to happen: in the hope of sth, in the hope that ※¦ A lot of people turned up in the hope of seeing the film. ◎ I came in the hope that we could find a solution. - with the hope that sth might happen, although not very likely: on the off chance (of sth) All these people have come on the off chance of seeing the band performing live. - to give people reason to hope that sth will happen: hold* out ※¦ hope (of sth) The rescue team still held out some hope of finding survivors. ◎ The doctors don't hold out much hope of recovery. - making you think that sth good will happen: hopeful a hopeful sign - if things happen as planned: hopefully Hopefully, they'll come round to our point of view. ※ wishes - to say that you hope sb will have sth: wish sb sth I wish you a pleasant journey. ◎ She rang me up to wish me a happy birthday. - to express a wish that sb will be successful, you say good luck Good luck with your new job!
2 things that you hope for - a person or thing that gives you hope: hope She is our best hope of winning a gold medal. - an event or situation that you want to happen but which is not likely: dream His dream was to give up his job and live in the country. - hope for the future success of sb/sth: hopes (noun plural), expectations (noun plural) They had great expectations for their eldest daughter, but she failed to live up to them. - signs that sb will do well in an activity: promise (noun U); adjective: promising a singer of great promise ◎ a promising young lawyer - if the things that you hope for really happen, they come* true My dream has come true! - if you are sad that sth was not as good as you had hoped, you are disappointed We were disappointed with our hotel; it was very noisy. - something that is not as good as you had hoped is disappointing (adverb disappointingly), a disappointment The response to our advert was disappointing. ◎ a disappointingly poor performance ◎ His new book is a big disappointment.
3 no hope - without hope: hopeless (adverb hopelessly); noun (U): hopelessness The situation looked hopeless. ◎ a hopeless situation ◎ He wandered hopelessly round the house. ◎ a feeling of hopelessness - to stop being hopeful: give* up hope You mustn't give up hope. - to lose all hope: despair (of sb/sth) He despaired of ever finding a solution to their problems. - the state of having lost all hope: despair (noun U); in this state: in despair - filled with despair and ready to do anything to change the situation: desperate (adverb desperately); noun (U): desperation I took the money because I was desperate. ◎ desperately unhappy ◎ In desperation he went to a psychiatrist for help. ※ MORE ... - to hope that sb/sth will be successful: keep* your fingers crossed I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! - to express the hope that sb will be more successful in the future (after sb has failed in sth), you can say better luck next time
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