Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 surfaces 2 flat or bumpy surfaces 3 smooth or rough surfaces 4 covering a surface
1 surfaces - the outside part of sth: surface to land on the surface of the moon ◎ a work surface in a kitchen ◎ a flat/bumpy surface ◎ a rough/smooth surface ◎ a polished/shiny surface - any of the flat outer surfaces of an object: side the sides of a pyramid - the size of a surface: area The room is about 45 square metres in area. - something that is only on the surface is superficial He only had superficial injuries. ◎ There were some scratches on the paintwork but they were only superficial. ※ the different sides of an object PLACE
2 flat or bumpy surfaces - (used about the surface of sth) having no parts that are raised above the rest: flat, level, even The countryside round here is very flat. ◎ a flat roof ◎ a flat surface ◎ a level teaspoon of sugar ◎ level ground ◎ The game must be played on an even surface. - to make sth flat: flatten sth, (used especially about the ground) level sth She drove the car over his ball and flattened it. ◎ The ground will need to be levelled before we can build on it. - a surface that is not flat is uneven uneven ground - a part of a flat surface that is raised above the rest: bump; adjective: bumpy There were lots of bumps in the road. ◎ The road was really bumpy. - a sea which is not smooth can be called rough, choppy - an outward curve on sth that is usually flat, perhaps because there is sth underneath: bulge; to form a bulge: bulge (out) She had a huge bulge in her pocket. - an outward curve or swelling on sth (especially on the body or on flat surfaces): lump; adjective: lumpy He had a big lump on his forehead where he'd knocked his head. ◎ I hardly slept at all - the bed was really lumpy.
3 smooth or rough surfaces - having an even surface with no lumps or holes: smooth; noun (U): smoothness smooth skin ◎ a smooth lawn ◎ the smooth surface of the material ◎ the smoothness of her complexion - smooth and nice to touch: soft soft smooth sheets - not smooth: rough; noun (U): roughness rough skin/hands ◎ a rough road ◎ The material was a nice colour but it felt very rough against the skin. - consisting of large pieces; rough: coarse coarse cloth - very rough and broken objects and materials, with sharp points, can be called jagged a jagged edge ◎ jagged rocks ※ making something smooth - to make sth smooth: smooth sth (back, down, out, etc) He looked in the mirror and smoothed down his hair. - strong paper with sand on it, that is used for rubbing surfaces in order to make them smoother: sandpaper (noun U) - to make sth smooth by rubbing sandpaper across it firmly: rub sth (down), sand sth (down)
4 covering a surface - a thickness of material that is laid over a surface: layer I had to remove several layers of old wallpaper. - a thin layer of sth that covers a surface: coating There was a coating of dust over all the furniture when we came back from our holiday. - to put sth over a surface so that it touches it partly or completely: cover sth (with sth) I think I'll cover this old chair with some new material. - if a surface has sth over it which touches it partly or completely, it is covered in/with sth The floors were covered with expensive carpets. - something which covers a surface: cover, covering I've bought new covers for the chairs. ◎ There was a thin covering of snow on the ground.
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