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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

prune [prune prunes pruned pruning] noun, verb BrE [pruːn] NAmE [pruːn]
a dried ↑plum that is often eaten cooked
stewed prunes

Word Origin:
n. Middle English Old French Latin Greek prou(m)non ‘plum’ v. late 15th cent. ‘abbreviate’ Old French pro(o)ignier Latin rotundus ‘round’
Derived Word:pruning
1. to cut off some of the branches from a tree, bush, etc. so that it will grow better and stronger
~ sth When should you prune apple trees?
He pruned the longer branches off the tree.
~ sth back The hedge needs pruning back.
2. ~ sth (back) to make sth smaller by removing parts; to cut out parts of sth
Staff numbers have been pruned back to 175.
The railway companies have pruned their timetables (= there are fewer trains).
Prune out any unnecessary details.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
n. Middle English Old French Latin Greek prou(m)non ‘plum’ v. late 15th cent. ‘abbreviate’ Old French pro(o)ignier Latin rotundus ‘round’

Example Bank:
Prune the trees hard in the winter.
The roses had been pruned back more severely.
Their budgets have been drastically pruned.


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