1. extensive tract of level open land (Freq. 1) - they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain - he longed for the fields of his youth • Syn: field, champaign • Hypernyms: land, dry land, earth, ground, solid ground, terra firma • Hyponyms: flat, floodplain, flood plain, llano, moor, moorland, peneplain, peneplane, snowfield, steppe, tundra • Instance Hyponyms: Olympia, Nullarbor Plain, Serengeti, Serengeti Plain 2. a basic knitting stitch • Syn: knit, knit stitch, plain stitch • Derivationally related forms: knit (for: knit) • Hypernyms: knitting stitch
express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness - My mother complains all day - She has a lot to kick about • Syn: complain, kick, sound off, quetch, kvetch • Ant: cheer (for: complain) • Derivationally related forms: kick (for: kick), complaint (for: complain), complainer (for: complain) • Hyponyms: nag, peck, hen-peck, backbite, bitch, whine, grizzle, yammer, yawp, murmur, mutter, grumble, croak, gnarl, grouch, scold, protest, repine, gripe, grouse, crab, beef, squawk, bellyache, holler, rail, inveigh, deplore, lament, bewail, bemoan, report, bleat • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
1. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment (Freq. 8) - the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields - evident hostility - manifest disapproval - patent advantages - made his meaning plain - it is plain that he is no reactionary - in plain view • Syn: apparent, evident, manifest, patent, unmistakable • Similar to: obvious • Derivationally related forms: plainness, patency (for: patent), evidence (for: evident), apparency (for: apparent), appear (for: apparent), apparentness (for: apparent) 2. not elaborate or elaborated; simple (Freq. 1) - plain food - stuck to the plain facts - a plain blue suit - a plain rectangular brick building • Ant: fancy • Similar to: austere, severe, stark, stern, bare, mere, simple, chaste, dry, featureless, homely, inelaborate, unelaborate, literal, tailored, trim, vanilla • See Also: simple, unadorned, undecorated, unrhetorical, unpretentious 3. lacking patterns especially in color (Freq. 1) • Syn: unpatterned • Ant: patterned • Similar to: solid-colored, solid-coloured 4. not mixed with extraneous elements (Freq. 1) - plain water - sheer wine - not an unmixed blessing • Syn: sheer, unmingled, unmixed • Similar to: pure • Derivationally related forms: plainness 5. free from any effort to soften to disguise (Freq. 1) - the plain and unvarnished truth - the unvarnished candor of old people and children • Syn: unvarnished • Similar to: direct 6. lacking embellishment or ornamentation (Freq. 1) - a plain hair style - unembellished white walls - functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete • Syn: bare, spare, unembellished, unornamented • Similar to: unadorned, undecorated • Derivationally related forms: plainness 7. lacking in physical beauty or proportion - a homely child - several of the buildings were downright homely - a plain girl with a freckled face • Syn: homely • Similar to: unattractive • Derivationally related forms: plainness, homeliness (for: homely)
unmistakably ('plain' is often used informally for 'plainly') - the answer is obviously wrong - she was in bed and evidently in great pain - he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list - it is all patently nonsense - she has apparently been living here for some time - I thought he owned the property, but apparently not - You are plainly wrong - he is plain stubborn • Syn: obviously, evidently, manifestly, patently, apparently, plainly • Derived from adjective: plain (for: plainly), apparent (for: apparently), patent (for: patently), manifest (for: manifestly), evident (for: evidently), obvious (for: obviously) • Usage Domain: colloquialism